Tuesday, 15 July 2014

Bed-time story.

Once upon a time there was a guy who dreamt of completing a Long Distance Tri.
With the support of his family, he clicked on the Add to Basket button and before he knew what he was doing, he'd entered.

Now, a plan was drawn and throughout the winter he would get up early for swimming, stay out late in the shed cycling and spend many hours in the cold and pissing rain at weekends.
There would be the odd hiccup when thinks didn't go directly according to plan.  They there would be days were he felt like he could go forever.  There were business trips where he'd juggle training schedules to try and fit things in, but he would manage it (mostly!)
He would eat like a horse, sleep ..... intermittently and generally be just a little bit grumpy on occasion, but overall, he absolutely loved the training.

One day, he walked through the Dinning Room (wife's sold all the furniture already in prep for the kitchen ..... can't think when that's due!) and glanced at the wall-hung training plan.  'Fuck, I'm done' he exclaimed.  No more training plan.  The end had been reached.  All targets met and dispatched.  What would he do now?  His mind was awash with the schedule that he had been sticking to.  Will he go into a spin?  Will he balloon like a baloony thing?  Oh no.  He bloody won't.  He'll stay strong.  Stay focussed and most importantly, taper down to race day with positive thoughts, fully prep'd in mind and body ready for ...... drum role please ....... OUTLAW.

Yes.  It has come round faster than a Fairy Tale Dream.  I'm finally there.  The full training plan is complete, only leaving the taper down and nutrition to concentrate on for the next two weeks (just under!).

To re-cap the last few weeks of training, I've got a few good long ride in and am happy with the schedule of feeding that I'll be doing during the ride.  They have generally been a little hillier that (I expect) the course to be, and generally 18 ish MPH average so I'm on-target for the 6hr30 ride.  Bike is working out well.  The first couple of rides took some getting used to due to the riding position.  The leg muscles engaging slightly sooner that on the road bike and a lot sooner that the Mountain bike felt like I was learning to ride again.  Weird!  I'm happy with the riding position though, and the liquid carrying, and the various tools / inner tubes taped on to the thing.  The deep wheels in the wind are not so bad, but I will be taking a smaller section front wheel on the day just in case it is blowing a hoolie.

Swimming has gone 100% perfect.  Does this mean I'll have a mere on the day and get kicked from pillar to post?  Open-water started May time and I've been gradually increasing the distances.  The last couple have been (almost) full distance and time is even a little under schedule which is very encouraging.  I'll plan to swim on-schedule so that it should (!) be within myself.  I went pool swimming early last week for the first time in a couple of weeks.  Only managed 15 minutes due to complete boredom!  Jobs a good'un as they say.

Running has been great.  Although I'm only really at the level now where I wish I was back in Feb / March time (due to the injury saga ....... did I tell you about the injuries?), it is going swimmingly.  Pace has been higher than expected, and than I am expecting during the race, but have felt really comfortable and low intensity.  Calf's remain tight during the run, but I've come up with a risk management plan of massage, calf-guards, Ibuprofen Gel and running style to hopefully keep any reoccurrence at bay.  Naturally I'm nowhere near running the full distance, but was never expecting to.  Right now I'm happy that I can run for a couple of hours easily.  I'll see what happens after that on the day! 

Nutrition, although I'm comfortable with my plan for race day, hasn't really changed much.  May be something to consider more thoroughly for next time!
I'm putting myself on a strict (for now) food plan right up to race day ... mainly to make myself feel better!

I'm all planned out with the weekends events - travel, accommodation, the dog, food, signing in.  I've even created a list!!  The wife will be proud!  The more pre-planning the better (and hopefully the less stress I create).

One last thing.  Although I'll contact them individually, a great big public thank you to everyone who has trained along-side me during the last 6-months.  On the road dragging me through the Romney Marsh slog, or splashing through puddles round Bedge, pounding the country lanes on runs, creating waves in the Lake, friendly chat in the Gym, even the ones kicking me out the back door to go 'do it'.  Cheers.  It'll be you guys pushing me along the way on the day.  Feeling good right now!
Hopefully one last post before the Last Stand!




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