Monday, 23 June 2014

Brothers in Arms

I have never realised that a clock can tick so slowly but race a Million Miles an Hour at the same time.

That'll be the count-down to the start of my race.

This weekend I've pretty much failed to reach my training target for the first time through my legs being absolutely exhausted on the bike.

It's the last training session of the three-week rotation, so it is to be expected, and I'm due an easy week ahead, so I'm not surprised or panicking, but hell, the clock is ticking FAST.

I'm not alone. The Club mates that are racing the same event are experiencing similar emotions. I hope you guys don't mind my talking about our experiences (indirectly), but in my case there are no massive HI's or LOW's - only disbelief that its coming round so quick now and I don't feel that I'm ready yet.

Having others to bounce off is absolutely invaluable. We get together about once a month and talk about anything related. We seem to be talking a bit more recently given the varying panic levels. Talk about a self-help group! What a great group of people! I can't tell you how much its helping me to believe.

I hope that this filters down to other Club members doing extraordinary events - You can't pay for this, order it on Wiggle or use an App. The support and encouragement from friend is unique ..... personal. They know you and your 'methods'. They listen. They support regardless. There is only positivity and it shows.

Further to this, the time spent perched on the saddle or running the country lanes is time away from the Family. Without the support from my Wife and Daughter, I'd have gone mad months ago. Incredibly supportive and positive. They have never once moaned about the time training (She's even kicked me out the door once or twice). Again .... priceless.

My worries vary every day depending on the direction of the wind! One day it is nutrition. The next is the distance. Then sleeping patterns, then will I remember everything, then the weather on the day, then what if I get more punctures than I can repair, the next, will my trainers match the colour of my Calf Guards..... only kidding!

Each discipline is OK. I've swam >3Km without a problem. Yes, I know its almost 4Km to do, but I have 4 more big swims left and it'll be fine.  Having said that, will I panick  Mass-start mayhem!  Wet-suit splitting as I pull it on!  Where are my bloody Goggles? ..... Step back.  Deep breaths.  Relax.  You can do this.  You love Open Water.  You love the wet-suit (personal choice!!).  No-one wants to beat you up.  Everyone is there for the same reason.  Water is gooood.  It ain't gonna get you.  Boom.  looking forward to it already.

The Bike - Ahhhhh panicking about getting used to the TT bike, the wind, the nutrition, over-pedalling (going too fast too soon), mechanicals.
I do feel that my biking has gotten much stronger over the months, but even so, not enough 'bum on seat' Need more miles but legs are shot.  But ..... you love your bike.  It works.  You know it.  You know how it works.  You love it.  It is a long way, but you have ages to do it.  Everyone else will do it.  You can too.  You'll have friends supporting you (even absent ones).  You'll have time to relax into it.  You'll love the countryside.  You can go as well as you can go, no more.  It will get you there.

The Run - Given the past issues, happy that I can plod. I have a couple more mid-distance runs and have not planned to do any real long distance runs - my old Pins just take too long to recover!  After this is all over and have fully recovered, I may try a Marathon.  We'll see.

Sod the Osteopath - get me a Psychiatrist!

That said ...... I am bloody lov'in it!



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