Questions, questions!!
The self-imposed lay-off with the legs went exactly as planned. The Man-Flu immediately after the lay-off wasn't planned. It seems like Mr Voodoo and blunted all of his pins and is now being dunked in a pot of snot!
This lead to a 4-day Sick-break from work and plenty Breaking Bad Series 2 and 3 (really addictive, but I've been banned from buying the next series. Apparently Father’s Day is coming).
For the first time since entering, this extended lay-off from training really affected motivation. I felt that the event was too soon, that I've got nowhere near where I want to be (especially running) and it was going to be a waste of time and effort. All I want out of this was to do myself proud with the performance during the race and give it my best effort (where ever that took me).
The motivational DUMP left me wondering if I was going to even finish.
Expectations have taken a slide from trying to set a respectable time in the Start-List of grumpy old men, down past the Embarrassing Dad's all the way through to the 'just put me in a wheel barrow and wheel me across the finish line please' brigade. Not Enjoy!!
However, that said, although getting back into training for the first week was a bit of a struggle, the Achilles injury has all-but gone and a couple of runs have not aggravated it at all - Bonus. The RHS sore point on the calf still remains, but is manageable with ICE. The longer I spend on my feet, the better it is. I've been stretching the back and legs as much as I can, but really need to pick up the phone to someone who knows better!
The recent Bank Holiday weekend really was a turning point and a bit of a fresh start for me.
Friday was an early morning Mountain Bike session on the Single-track routes. Getting to the woods early is magic. It’s always nice to feel that you are the first one in the woods. Being a Bank Holiday meant that there were soon loads of fellow MTBers and the trails soon filled up. I'd done a few hours’ worth by then, so I was happy to close the day out with a nice chat to a Frenchman dressing in full 'down-hill' gear - full face helmet and all (over-dressed?). I admired his bike (typically a French manufacturer. Who'd of guessed) and he offered me a go in it. I respectfully refused stating that I wouldn't want to scratch it. He replied 'Ah stuff that. Some battle scars are OK. When I scratch it in the garage I get pissed! Turns out he's a nice bloke :)
Also good to see so many kids on the trails with the parents. None of them moaning about the effort, just enjoying. Happy Days.
Saturday was the off-road run with no injury aggravation.
Sunday was a local Sportive with the Tri Club. Four of us got completely drowned. Happy days
Monday was supposed to be a lighter leg-spin morning ride but I seemed to get one of those Ice Cream Headaches you get. You know - too much too soon and your brain seems to want to implode for a few seconds. Mine seemed to last an hour, so headed home having covered half the distance intended. Boo.
Still, a good distance covered for the weekend. No new injuries :) and the training plan ramps up in two weeks and I need to knuckle down to it!!
The next 12 weeks or so will be:
Monday - REST DAY (A good start to the week)
Tuesday - Morning Swim, Evening Bike (Short intervals on the TT bike)
Wednesday - Morning Swim, evening Off-road Run (1 1/2 hours)
Thursday - Morning CORE exercises, evening Open Water swim
Friday - Morning short run, evening Swim
Sat - Off-road bike into off-road run
Sunday - Long bike.
I'll throw in a couple of commutes to work on the bike to build up the miles (That'll be about 55 miles ...... each way :O), one in the Road bike first, then on the TT bike.
Wow, only 12 weeks away....... Aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh
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